Welcome to Mast Investment Advisors
Making the Important Decisions
Mast conducts investment management and research for individuals, funds, plans, trusts, foundations, companies and other investment service professionals. Our work is available as a complete discretionary solution to portfolio management. It is also available as precise and consistent decision criteria for use by investors, their advisors or their consultants. There are unique differences, useful in all economic, business and market conditions, which achieve a measurable and superior risk and return management.
- Asset allocation is the most important decision, accounting for most of portfolio risk and return.
- Empirically proven, independent (passive) financial asset indexes provide better returns, superior risk characteristics and lower costs than actively managed, engineered, leveraged or factored individual security portfolios.
- Investment products derived from single use stories, temporary variable primacy, leveraged concentration, sales distribution push and cost, and emotional attraction populate the entire investment selection business model.
- Historical price performance and price momentum are the source of investor emotional attraction and financial product investment approach.
- Already realized financial asset market values, relationships, expected returns and risk premiums are superior and determinant decision criteria. Momentum (emotion) is part, but not complete, decision criteria. As with realized market values and prevailing economic and business conditions, momentum is measurable as a contribution to risk and return.
- Investment portfolios must connect their beneficiary needs not only to their own risk profile, but more importantly to risks and returns which are available from this expected return and market-based information and analysis. Markets do not care what investor needs are. They have their own measurable and useful characteristics.
Investment Management
Investment management clients place their funds at an independent broker custodian. Mast active management of indexes is conducted on a discretionary basis at that custodian. Client investment management fees are the only compensation that Mast receives for this work.
Investment management clients and investment research subscribers receive regular reports, models, worksheets and summaries through this website. The information available at this site is complete, all the decision criteria necessary for excellent investment decision and management. We very much enjoy supplying it to you for that purpose; encourage your interaction and patronage with us.
Mast Research
Mast research models begin each decision and complete a total portfolio with an overall asset allocation, individual index and security selections within that allocation. Because all these decisions are based on consistent, replicable and long-term analysis, allocations and selections are monitored and adjusted with determinant (not temporary or volatile) changes in conditions.